Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fortress Of Kuto Besak

History Fotress of kuto besak

Kuta Besak is the central palace of the Sultanate of Palembang Darussalam, as traditional power centers into a process of change from middle age into a new era in the 19th century. Understanding Kuto here comes from the Sanskrit word, which means: Cities, palaces, forts, camps (see 'Dictionary of Ancient Java - Indonesia', L Mardiwarsito, Flores, Nusa Indah, 1986). Malay language (Palembang) seems to put more emphasis on the meaning of the castle, fortress, stronghold Kuto meaning even more defined in terms of a high fence-shaped wall. While understanding the city is more translated to the country.

Fortress was founded in 1780 by Sultan Mohammad Bahauddin (father Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II). This fortress of ideas coming from the airfare I
(1724-1758), known as Wikramo Jayo, who founded the Old Kuta Palace in 1737. The construction of this castle is fully supported by all the people in South Sumatra. They also donated building materials as well as executive power.

Who was the architect, is not known with certainty. There are opinions that say that the architect is a European. For the execution of the work supervision is entrusted to a Chinese, who are experts in their field.

As a material for the adhesive cement limestone bricks were
used in the outback Ogan River. Place the lime accumulation of materials located in the back of the Land of the Palace which is now called Kampung Kapuran, and creeks used as a means of transport is kapuran river.

In 1797, construction of the castle was finished, and began formally occupied by the Sultan Muhammad Bahauddin on Monday, Sha'ban 1211 Hijri 23 in the morning or together with the February 21 1797 BC. While the eldest son, who became the Queen of Prince (crown prince) occupies the Old Palace Kuta.

In 1819 the first Palembang War, the castle was tested by the cannon shells Dutch corvettes, but none of the bullets that can penetrate either the wall or door. Due to run out of bullets and gunpowder, the Dutch fleet escaped to Batavia. Of expression was born here, which states that a job in vain, because no payoff: ration discharged, no ne
Palembang, it means acts or operations which do not yield results only bring in losses and a weary. This event is written with great charm in Menteng War poem or poem is also called the War of Palembang.

Besides the beauty and sturdy, Kuto Besak indeed located in strategic places, namely in the areas like floating on the water. She lies on the "island", the area bounded by the Musi River (on the front or south), in the western part

Sekanak bounded by the River, River to the east boundary Tengkuruk and behind it or the north bounded by the Kapuran chalky. This area is called Land of the Kingdom.

Forms and soil conditions in the city of Palembang as islands, and by the Dutch people gave him the title as the de Stad der Eilanden Twintig (Twenty-City Island). Furthermore, according to G. Bruining, the island's most valuable (dier eilanden) is where Kuto Besak, Kuta Lama and the Great Mosque stands.

Formation of islands in the city of Palembang is because many children who crossed the river and cut the city. Reasonably well if called City of the Hundred River in Palembang. Whereas in the early colonial era, Palembang dubbed by them as het Indische Venetie. Another nickname is de Stad des Vredes, namely a peaceful place (ie Dar's Greetings). And indeed these names is the official name of the Sultanate of Palembang Darussalam.

Structure and Technical

According to I. J. Sevenhoven, Netherlands commisaris Regeering first in Palembang, Kuto Besak width and length roede 77 49 roede (Amsterdamsch roede = less than 3.75 m, or its length is 288.75 meters and 183.75 meters wide), with a strong wall around and 30 feet high and six or seven feet wide. This wall is strengthened with four bastion (bastion). Inside the walls there are still similar and almost the same height, with the gates strong, so this can also be used for defense if the first wall can be broken (see LJ. Sevenhoven, Painting, page 14).

The latest measurements from the consultant get a slightly different size, i.e. 290 meters long and 180 meters wide.

Opinion de Sturler megenai condition Religious Tourism:

"... The width 77 and length 44 roede roede, equipped with three and a bastion bastion half full, which complement the four sides of the circumference of the wall. The wall thickness and height of 5 feet from the ground 22 and 24 feet.

Inside the palace is called Dalem in the middle, only for the residence of kings, a few feet higher than ordinary buildings. Entirely surrounded by high walls so as to bring one for the king's protection. No one must approach this residence unless the king's family or the person who ordered. Other stone buildings in the palace is a place to store ammunition and bullets. " (See W. L de Sturler - Proeve - 186 pages)

There when the war against the Dutch colonialists in 1819, there were as many as 129 shoots cannon on the wall Kuto Besak. Whereas during the war in 1821, there were only 75 cannons on the wall tops Kuto Besak and 30 shoots along the river wall, the attackers threatened standby

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